Friday, March 13, 2009

Sacrifice or Responsibility

Your most difficult task?

Published: Last Updated Friday, March 13, 2009 10:12 PM PDT
The Christian humanitarian group World Vision recently held its annual 30 Hour Famine, in which Christian youths go without food for 30 hours, sleep in cardboard boxes and raise millions of dollars to fight world hunger. World Vision organizers say the event not only benefits the needy, but also teaches a valuable Biblical lesson about sacrifice. What is the most difficult or demanding thing you have ever done in service of your faith?

For the past eight years, we have done the “30 Hour Famine,” and I’m pleased to say that a small group of kids from our ministry has raised more than $500,000 to aid victims of world hunger. The lessons taught by doing the Famine are many, but even more dramatic for those at our church. You see, only a short while ago — in the early part of the 20th century — the reference to the “Starving Armenians” was a cliché to motivate people to have pity and help others. The idea that today, the children of those “Starving Armenians” are feeding others is a testimony to our faith in Christ and the power of love.

Once again, this year, the kids from our ministry will participate in the 30 Hour Famine on April 24 and 25. Interestingly enough, I’ve never heard the kids complain about the sacrifice they endure; rather, now they look forward to the event and start plans for fundraising early. This tells me that people know what is right and what is important in life.

I’m convinced that if the goals and ideals of the faith are pure and sincere, there are no difficult or demanding tasks. Those jobs become burdens and problematic when we lose focus of the goal. That is, a church might find it difficult to find volunteers to run a pot-luck party or sell tickets to a bazaar, but will have a waiting list of people to work on the homeless outreach or give up eating to aid world hunger.

It’s a question of relevance. Is my church relevant to my life and my world today? The stark reality is this: 29,000 children die every day of hunger and hunger-related diseases. That’s the population of Glendale being eradicated in less than a week! That’s unacceptable by any standard and certainly demands the attention of any group bearing the name of Jesus Christ. There’s no sacrifice or hard work in these cases, only expressions of love.

In His Shoes Mission
Armenian Church Youth Ministries

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