Saturday, December 22, 2007

The Story Most Fit to Print

Published December 22, 2007


The Story Most Fit to Print


The Religion Newswriters Assn. picked evangelicals’ struggle to select a presidential candidate as the top religion story of 2007. What do you think was the top religion story of the year?


Sadly, the top religion story is a non-story.

For me, the top religion story is the amazing silence of the Christian church, across denominational lines, regarding the war in Iraq and all of its ramifications. This includes, but certainly is not limited to, the stories out of Guantanamo Bay, misinformation and intelligence discrepancies, the refugees of Iraq and now, the saber-rattling toward Iran. Second, it’s the silence toward Darfur and the Sudan by the Christian church. And I only place it second, because the Iraq war is so much more visible and prominent as a news story.

I’m not talking about the politics of war, nor am I trying to champion a partisan platform; rather, I’m critical of the almost nonexistent moral conscience that the Christian church can and should provide to the war conversation. If there is one thing that all Christians agree on; it is that the central figure of our religion is called the “Prince of Peace.” Yet, apart from a few exceptions, that message of peace is being stifled in the back pews of our churches.

If you take a look at the top 10 news items according to the Religion Newswriters Assn., there is not one item that even points to Iraq. Throughout the year, we talk about the relevancy of religion and the church; can we find a better indicator of the church’s irrelevancy than this? The war is front-page news, yet it doesn’t even score on the “religion top 10”?

I can only think of the millions of cards that are being exchanged this week with the holiday wish for “Peace on Earth.” Before it was adopted by Hallmark, it was the voice of the angels at the Birth of One, whose love for humanity overpowered humanity’s ability to destroy itself. Peace on Earth is achievable. To me, that was, is and always will be the greatest news story.

Merry Christmas.

Armenian Church Youth Ministries
In His Shoes Mission

Saturday, December 15, 2007

'Tis the Season to Discuss Semantics

Published December 15, 2007 - Glendale News Press - Los Angeles Time


'Tis the Season to Discuss Semantics


This year and in years past, some local residents, along with radio talk show hosts such as Bill O’Reilly of Fox News, have expressed concern that “secular progressives” are trying to eliminate the name Christmas from holiday events. The city of Glendale’s annual “Holiday Tree Lighting” has come under fire because it doesn’t note, some say, that it is a “Christmas” tree that is being lighted, not a holiday tree. What do you think? Is Christmas under siege? Or, is calling it a holiday tree more inclusive?


Let’s suppose Jesus came back today and at his first press conference one of the reporters grilled him with a simple evaluation of history.

“Jesus, looking back at the 2,000 years since your last visit, would you have preferred that people remembered your name or your message?”

I’d venture to say that he would opt for his formula of love and peace over a commemoration of his name. In fact, throughout the gospel accounts, Jesus adamantly chastises those who pay lip service to their faith and forget to practice it. He scolds the Pharisees and likens them to “whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead men’s bones and everything unclean” (Matthew 23:27, New International Version).

This description fits some of our Christmas practices of decorating the outside of our homes, streets and stores and forgetting to fill the inside with compassion and care. Fighting for the right to publicly display a manger scene while at the same time closing down the shelters for our homeless is yet another version of the whitewashed tomb.

Jesus’ power was much more than a simple name. He was Love Incarnate, and for me, that event is truly a holy (holi)day. It’s Christmas for me, but unless I can keep that love alive and working in my life, I can give it any name I want and it won’t mean a thing.

In the Armenian Orthodox Church, the original date of Jan. 6 is remembered as Christmas. For me, it drives the point home even harder.

Just like the name, the date too is secondary to the message. In other words, Christ is born on Dec. 25, Jan. 6, May 11 or Aug. 18, that is, any time Love is born.

Armenian Church Youth Ministries
In His Shoes Mission

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Extending one’s handouts

Published December 1, 2007 - Glendale News Press - Los Angeles Time


Extending one’s handouts


Steve Burger, a former director of the Assn. of Gospel Rescue Missions, says Americans should not hand out money to homeless people on the street, but to rather donate to local food or shelter agencies. Burger reportedly believes that giving handouts promotes destructive behavior among the homeless.

What do you think?


Last year Warren Buffett made headlines when he changed his will to distribute his wealth through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Buffett cited different reasons for this decision, among them that the Gates Foundation already had the infrastructure in place to “productively” distribute the funds in a manner that was in accord with his wish.

In the same manner, by giving through a reputable charity, you’re letting those who have the means and facilities to distribute in a fair manner, do so efficiently and productively.

Sure, you can go down the street passing out money, but it’s not the most efficient way of distributing the wealth. It forces you into a position of judgment to deem someone as impoverished or needy; plus you have to account for human dignity, which is diminished on the side of the receiver.

On top of it all, it’s very easy to let personal pride step in and distort the nature of your good work.

For these reasons, we encourage our congregation to be generous in their giving through the programs we have in place. All reputable charities maintain databases and have accounting systems that ensure money is distributed in a productive manner.

Caring for those who cannot otherwise take care of themselves is the cornerstone of all good religion. In fact, how a religion addresses the problems of poverty and alleviating human suffering should serve as a measure to the holiness of that faith.

As Saint John writes in his letter, “for those who do not love a brother or sister whom they have seen, cannot love God whom they have not seen.” (1John 4:20 New Revised Standard Version). And tangible manifestations of that love are most prominently expressed in our giving.

Armenian Church Youth Ministries
In His Shoes Mission

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Published November 24, 2007


The Gravitational Poll


U.S. Catholic bishops this week reportedly approved new moral guidelines for Catholic voters warning that their political choices could impact a person’s salvation.

Bishops reportedly stress that the guidelines are not a voter guide, but rather they represent a moral framework for believers. Still, some bishops disagree that voting choices can affect someone’s salvation.

The church reportedly believes it is a “formal cooperation in evil” to vote for a candidate for the sole reason that he or she supports “intrinsic evils” such as abortion or racism. Bishops also believe Catholics should avoid becoming one-issue voters. What do you think? Should your political choices affect your salvation?


How refreshing to hear that the bishops, these men of faith, are standing up for what they believe. Whether you agree with the policies they are supporting, you have to appreciate that these bishops are taking their faith seriously enough to attach permanent consequences to the decision-making process. Basically, they are saying, what we believe is not something that comes alive only on Sundays and in sanctuaries, but has applications and ramifications in all of life.

By taking a very extreme and absurd example, this can be better understood. Imagine a candidate who supports a program of systematic annihilation of a group of people, such as in the case of genocide.

Everyone who votes for this candidate knowing of his or her agenda for extermination is responsible and accountable for those actions.

Therefore, wouldn’t we all agree that those voters would be guilty of the same crime? This may seem severe, but that is the seriousness of our vote. Sometimes in discussing a person’s “right to vote” we fail to speak of the “responsibility of the vote.”

Every right carries a responsibility. The bishops are merely saying that if a person adheres to a set of principles and standards, there is a responsibility to live according to those tenets of faith.

In my particular belief system, the standard to love, as expressed through Jesus Christ, is so high that my voting decisions must reflect that standard.

The way I see it, expressing love in everything we do is the responsibility of those who have the right to be called Christian.

Armenian Church Youth Ministries
In His Shoes Mission

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Picket Fences Built Hatefully

Published November 10, 2007 - Glendale News Press - Los Angeles Time


Picket Fences Built Hatefully


Despite a $10.9-million jury award against him this week for picketing at a funeral of a soldier who died in Iraq, Pastor Fred Phelps and his church in Kansas will reportedly not be deterred from picketing military funerals with anti-gay slogans — claiming that deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan are God’s punishment for homosexuality.

They hold up signs that say things like “God hates fags,” which Phelps says is a way to continue his struggle against what he and his followers say is an immoral lifestyle. Others say Phelps is practicing a “hateful ideology.” What do you think? And what kind of message do you think Phelps’ actions sends to the faith community?


This is a no-brainer. The message Phelps and his gang is spewing is despicable and obscene. It shows absolutely no respect for the sanctity of life and therefore can’t possibly be considered coming from a “church.” And as we know, a religion based on fear can only motivate and attract people for all the wrong reasons.

Nevertheless, his message is protected by the Constitution, the same Constitution that allows us to preach and proclaim the truths we expound in the name of religion. We’ve seen this tested over and over.

I remember in the late 1970s when American Nazis tried to march through Skokie, Ill., primarily because of the large Jewish population and Holocaust survivors living there. It was the American Civil Liberties Union that went to bat for the Nazis. All in the name of this freedom, which continues to be used and abused by the U.S. population.

This last month, I personally felt the hate speech that was spewed out against the Armenians by challenges to the reality of genocide (in reference to H.R. 106). I heard the obscenities spoken against my faith, by the likes of Kathy Griffin in her infamous Emmy acceptance speech. These examples are completely in line with Phelps and his followers. As upset and disgusted as I get, I know the answer is not to ban this speech. This freedom is the foundation of our society, and that freedom is sacred.

It is sad and sickening that people abuse freedom. What the faith community must do in these instances is to focus on the greater ideals that we serve.

If we are convinced that goodness always triumphs over evil, we need to combat hatred, as difficult as it may be, with acts and words of love.

Armenian Church
Youth Ministries

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Published October 27, 2007


Churches say Halo to kids


Pastors and ministers at churches across the country are reportedly using a violent video game, Halo 3, to reach young congregants.

Ministers have held Halo nights, in which they use the game to attract youths. If young people stay to play the game, pastors hope youngsters will also stay for the biblical message. The first-person shooter game, which is rated M for mature audiences, depicts a cybernetically enhanced super soldier shooting at alien invaders in a lethal attempt to save Earth.

Critics, including religious ethicists, say the approach to using the game for ministry could have a negative effect on children, because it connects the thrill and arousal with killing. What do you think? Do you agree with this approach to furthering a ministry?


I definitely have a problem with the violence aspect of these games.

While correlations to actual violence are always questionable, depending on whose statistic you follow, at the very least they desensitize us to violence, suffering and death. And since the church is that place which should uphold the sanctity of life, these games should not be endorsed by the church.

But I have a bigger issue with this practice of deceptive marketing. Whether you use the Halo video or a standard game of basketball to bring youths (or people) in with the intention of giving them something else, shows a lack of confidence in your product.

This bait-and-switch practice is used by different businesses to lure people to their showrooms.

Think of the paid trips to exotic locations, which are given away just to have us listen to a 90-minute high-pressure sales pitch for a time-share. Or the one car that is offered below wholesale price and somehow is always sold before we get to the lot, just to lure us to a particular dealership. Wouldn’t you think that if these companies believed that their product had the quality and worth that they purport they do, they could bring us into their store on merit alone?

I think the same is true for religious groups. When they appeal to these campaigns to recruit people, it’s a signal that says, “We don’t believe in our product, so we need to trick you in through the door with something else.”

Reflecting on Jesus and his call to people, it was a straight-forward invitation to follow him.

He never sugar-coated the invitation; in fact, just the opposite, “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” (New Revised Standard Version, Matthew 16:24) Sure, not everyone followed and “. . . because of this many of his disciples turned back and no longer went about with him.” (John 6:66); nevertheless, he kept his message as the center of his invitation.

As ministers of the Gospel, we’re commissioned to do the same. Keeping Christ’s message of love and hope at the center of our invitation is the greatest call to the faith.

Armenian Church
Youth Ministries

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Musings about a resolution on Ramadan

Published October 13, 2007


Musings about a resolution on Ramadan


A congressional resolution recognizing the Islamic holy month of Ramadan as important is reportedly being touted by U.S. Muslims as an important sign that they are gaining acceptance in America and becoming part of the fabric of the country. But Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo., argued that the resolution is nothing more than an example of political correctness, which he reportedly said has captured the political and media elite in the U.S. What do you think?.


A congressional resolution recognizing Ramadan is certainly an act of political correctness, but then again, so are all these types of resolutions. What else can you say about them? It’s not like they’re advocating one belief system over another, they merely recognize a portion of reality. In so doing, they’re bringing a level of comfort to members of our community — other Americans.

We need to stop being scared to face reality.

There is a sizable Muslim population in America. And the beauty of America and her “dream” is that there is room for everyone in this country. I have heard the argument that “those countries” would never allow or grant non-Islamic minorities the equal status or recognition with the mainstream religion.

But to me, that’s exactly the point.

We are not like the other countries. That’s what makes America great: its ability to incorporate so many into something greater than the components that make it up.

Ironically, this week’s news headlines pointed to another recognition resolution regarding the Armenian Genocide.

We witnessed the sad demonstration of denial by the political establishment, the president included, which wanted to compromise truth and justice for the sake of politics.

You can’t escape the reality of an organized, systematic annihilation of one group of people by a government. Its called genocide.

And a great country like America, with all of its greatness, cannot be intimidated to not speak the truth.

Fr. Vazken Movsesian

Armenian Church

In His Shoes Mission

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Toys of Biblical Proportions

Published September 22, 2007


Toys of Biblical Proportions


Wal-Mart is test-marketing biblical action figures - Jesus, Moses, Mary, Noah, David and Samson among them. And Target will do the same on its website. There is at least some concern, however, among consumers - parents - that such figures may prompt children to equate biblical heroes and heroines with secular figures. And while some may see the action figures as a learning tool, others may see them as gag gifts. What do you think of the idea of biblical action figures?


There are few things that irritate me more than a plastic Jesus. I can't speak for the other "action figures" but when it comes to Jesus, I wish they would leave him alone. It's bad enough that most people have an image of God as an old man in the sky ready to swoop down to save us from ourselves, smack the bad guys on the head and reward the good with homes behind pearly gates. He's become a combination of Superman and Santa Claus. And when He doesn't deliver, watch out! We become unforgiving and take our "business" elsewhere.

Now, imagine God sitting on a shelf at Target or Wal-Mart. I can't.

In the Armenian Orthodox tradition, we reference God as "Khorhoort" which literally means, "Mystery." He is inscrutable. Why do the spires of our churches reach up to the heavens, beyond where our vision can take us? How can we then presume to contain in words, images or plastic models His essence? A bend-him-up Jesus will only further confuse a population who needs to find the essence of Love rather than a message of might-is-right.

But alas, capitalism does rule the day and there is no doubt in my mind that if there is a profit margins then there will be no stopping Wal-Mart, Sears, Target, Mattel or Hasbro (just to name the tip of the iceberg).

Last year when talking to a group of kids at Burbank High School about their values, I brought it to their attention that most of our ideas are shaped by models presented to us by the media. A couple of teachers were shocked when I suggested that in America, money is even more powerful than God. Tragically, we keep seeing it over and over. Plastic Jesuses are not created to teach values, morals or even religion. They are created to make a quick buck.

Fr. Vazken Movsesian

Armenian Church

In His Shoes Mission

Friday, September 7, 2007

Cyber Confessions

Published September 7, 2007 - Glendale News Press - Los Angeles Time


Cyber Confessions


Websites to confess sins are reportedly becoming more popular in a society that has moved away from traditional modes of confession, such as one-on-one meetings with priests. Sites such as,,, and offer ways for sinners to confess. At the same time, on-line confession sites reportedly give churches a vehicle to get people in contact with faith.

What do you think of these new cyber-hubs for confession? Do they bring people closer to religion?


Confession is part of a healing process for an individual who has been plagued with the burdens of wrongdoing. If you take the old adage, "Confession is good for the soul" then it really should not matter where the confession takes place so long as it is done. Cyberspace grants us the ultimate in anonymity and that in itself can make for a very comfortable confessional.

But confession is only one part of the healing process. The other important step is penance, that is, a means by which the individual makes amends. That’s where religion comes in. Because while confession is individual in scope, the process of penance operates in the context of community.

I think the bigger issues in this story are the boundaries that are being stretched by technology. Virtual confession booths push yet one more time the religious community to adapt to the lifestyle of its congregants. People need healing. True healing begins with aligning ourselves with God. If a computer and keyboard help in that alignment process, then let’s use it. But at the same time, let’s create those spaces and environments that are not judging, that are caring and provide for community.

Fr. Vazken Movsesian

Armenian Church

In His Shoes Mission

Saturday, August 25, 2007

School Play Stretching the Limits of Separation

Published August 25, 2007


School Play Stretching the Limits of Separation


John Burroughs High School in Burbank students recently performed a summer musical called "Children of Eden," which had religious themes in it based on the Old Testament. Some have criticized the show, arguing that it blurred the lines between church and state and that tax money shouldn't go to such a program. Others say students should be exposed to all cultures and themes, of which the Old Testament is a part.

What do you think?


Separation of church and state is essential to the health of our society. I understand that the line between the two is increasingly being blurred particularly when mixing belief systems with science. But this case at John Burroughs High School is quiet different. It can and should easily be categorized in the "Old Testament as literature” classification.

Here is a story that is being taken on its literary merits. It has all the classic themes that lend themselves to good theater: love, lust, dishonesty, infidelity, vengeance, jealousy and murder. Coupled with the mysterious, it has all the elements for a box-office hit. Personally, I would object to the thematic contents before I would object to any religious connotation.

The stories in question are part of a rich religious tradition in which they find merit and value. When taken outside of their religious framework they are mere stories for entertainment and hopefully, at the end of it all, a moral to contemplate and ponder. Think of other High School productions. Would anyone assume that “Bye Bye Birdie” was expounding the virtues of the military draft? Or that “Music Man” is an instructional source for trombone playing in orchestras? Yet, throughout the plays you find human emotions that force you laugh, cry and think. And if you walk away with a thought, perhaps one which forces you to rethink your circumstances, then the production has done what all good art is intended to do.

Fr. Vazken Movsesian

Armenian Church

In His Shoes Mission

Saturday, August 4, 2007

The Simpsons and Religion

Published August 4, 2007


The Simpsons and Religion


Author Mark Pinsky has written a book titled "The Gospel According to the Simpsons." The book suggests that the Simpsons are a family in which religion plays a part, and that they are reflective of many American families. For instance, the Simpsons say grace, attend church, reference the Bible and pray. And episodes have tackled religious themes, Pinsky says. What do you think? Does "The Simpsons" add to the religious conversation in America?


The Simpsons are pop culture icons, and as such they wonderfully express the ideas of God, man and humanity as understood by many of us today. The writers of the show have an incredible knack for exposing some very deep prejudices we all hold regarding religion and its role in society.

For example, when Rev. Lovejoy classifies Hindus in the “Miscellaneous” category of religion, or when Homer blurts out that the Catholic Church has “more rules than Blockbuster Video,” we laugh at the absurdity of these statements but also understand that the characters mimic a general ignorance toward religion that is prevalent in our society.

I remember in the early days following 9/11, the President was quick to point out the similarities between Islam and Judaism and Christianity. For the most part, his statements were taken as gospel truth, because of the authority with which he proclaimed them. Similarly, many of our concepts about God and religion are shaped by the “authority” that shapes our society. Think of how Cecil B. DeMille etched upon our collective memory the images of the parting of the Red Sea in the Ten Commandments or the face of Jesus as seen in King of Kings.

The Simpsons point to the absurdity in many of the concepts we hold as truth. They make us question a politician, albeit a President, explaining religious doctrine. They challenge us to look at the silliness of the images we have conjured in our minds, all in the name of God and a Higher Order.

I read Pinsky’s book a few years ago and I have used excerpts from it, as well as Simpson episodes, in Bible Studies that I have led. The Simpsons lend themselves nicely to a dialogue about religion because it is in these critical and often sarcastic portrayals of faith that we can examine what is the true meaning and purpose of our expressions.

Fr. Vazken Movsesian

Armenian Church

In His Shoes Mission

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Who Would Jesus Bomb?

Published July 28, 2007


Is there a Moral Defense for Nuclear Weapons?


An ecumenical group of Catholics, Evangelicals, Episcopal bishops and Muslim leaders has signed a statement that affirms the value of diplomacy in talks over stopping the spread of nuclear weapons. Yet, in our own country, such weapons stand as a military defense. Is there a moral defense for nuclear weapons?


WWJB? Isn’t that what it’s all about? Who would Jesus bomb? And if we can answer that question, then the logical next step is to discuss weaponry, nuclear or conventional? Somehow we want to believe that nuclear weapons are more destructive than other weapons, but they are not. When you factor in the emotional and psychological scaring that goes with the destruction and havoc brought by weapons, you understand that all weapons have the same destructive power. Fall out from nuclear weapons may linger, but the lasting effects of bombs and torture on the human psyche is transferable through generations as hatred is kindled and explodes in a variety of forms of violence and terror.

A few years ago, we went on a hunt for “WMD” in Iraq, while it escaped us that the biggest weapon of mass destruction was the totalitarian regime which implemented torture and killings. If you think about it, the actions of that regime, in fact, had both short and long term physical and psychological effects on the victims.

The bigger discussion here is that of “just war.” Is there such a thing? St. Augustine introduced the conversation to the Western church. We in Eastern Christianity have not develop this discussion to the extent Augustine did which might explain the proliferation for massacres and even genocide in our pockets of the world. Is there a time when the violence, war and nuclear weapons are justified?

The truth is, when we look at this topic from a religious perspective, and in particular a Christian one, there is only one answer. It’s based on the reality that for God all wars are civil wars. Ultimately, we need to go one step further and say there is no defense for weapons of any sort. Unfortunately, we’re not all on the same playing field. This discussion is absurd for too many people. For that reason, the actions of this interfaith group of leaders are truly commendable. These are the first steps toward peace. Our prayers should be with them and for our world.

Fr. Vazken Movsesian

Armenian Church

In His Shoes Mission

Saturday, July 14, 2007

The power of forgiveness

Note: This entry includes the comments of other "In Theorists" since the topic is about Fr. Vazken's 7x77 conference. Fr. Vazken's comment appears at the bottom of the entry.
Published July 14, 2007 -
The power of forgiveness
Glendale-based In His Shoes ministries, led by your fellow In Theorist Father Vazken Movsesian, held an event last weekend, "A Forum on Forgiveness," which featured guests who have experienced tragedy at the hands of others, but have forgiven them for the terrible acts perpetrated.
Movsesian has said that the world speaks much of war, but not enough of forgiveness. What do you think? And how can forgiveness be a practical force for good?

It is so doggone hard to forgive. Getting even is the natural tendency. Our society is infected with getting even. Imagine this: what if after Sept. 11, 2001, our country had not attacked Afghanistan or Iraq? Instead of getting even, what if we had practiced forgiveness and offered some kind of olive branch?

Regardless of who was president at the time, a Republican or a Democrat, if he had suggested some such peaceful gesture he probably would have been impeached.
Revenge is somehow in our blood. It is so hard to turn the other cheek.
To forgive involves such a loving spirit that not many of us can truly forgive. I personally believe that when Jesus talks about forgiveness, he is putting forth the concept that you need to forgive for your own peace of mind. For you to forgive helps you to get along with your life. If you forgive, then chances are you're not going to give yourself an ulcer or a heart attack.
So to forget about revenge not only reduces the chance for more blood-letting in society; it also helps you to get along with your life.
Congregational Church of the Lighted Window
United Church of Christ
La Canada Flintridge

Jewish teachings encourage forgiveness for a person who shows true remorse for their bad deeds. And I believe that in many cases, forgiveness actually does more for the person granting it than the one receiving it. The negative energy generated when we harbor ill feelings toward someone can make our lives miserable; we should strive to release this counter-productive anger and embrace a more positive lifestyle.

We must differentiate between crimes that may temporarily hurt people versus acts that inflict permanent damage, such as murder or rape. For example, a person who misleads another into a bad business deal can't be compared to a murderer who extinguishes someone's life forever. In the prior circumstance, forgiveness would be noble, but in the latter we have no right to forgive.
Do the victims of genocide — such as the Holocaust, the Armenian tragedy or the bloodshed in Rwanda — have a moral right to forgive the human monsters of history? I believe they don't.
The Talmud relates an interesting scenario where a murderer is being led to his execution after showing genuine remorse and receiving forgiveness from the victim's family — who even petitioned the high court for a pardon.
"Should this person be set free?" asks the Talmud. It concludes that the murderer, because of his complete remorse, will merit exoneration in the world to come. But in this world, justice must be served and the execution must proceed.
We should apply the same logic in our own lives — to forgive whenever possible, but not when the crime is deep and irreversible.
Chabad Jewish Center
The act of Christ's coming to be crucified was the ultimate expression of God concerning forgiveness. Condescending to become man, God-Incarnate sacrificed His earthly life to pay the debt of evil humanity. It was the only means to make forgiveness available as well as to satisfy justice, since evil cannot be ignored or simply dismissed.
Jesus is known for His teaching regarding personal insult, saying "turn the other cheek" (Matthew 5:39), and if people would grasp the power of small forgiveness, perhaps the larger kind would manifest.
The Bible says "it is to [man's] glory to overlook an offense" (Proverbs 19:11).
Forgiveness has two sides, however. We can pardon instances of mistreatment, or forgive those moments in life where sin gets the better of another person at our expense, but I'm reminded of the fact that God expects repentance from malefactors in order for them to receive forgiveness; "If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him" (Luke 17:3).
Forgiveness on a victim's side is the decision not to even the score or demand satisfaction. But perpetrators receive forgiveness when they turn from wickedness.
Even from the Cross, Christ forgave the temporal sins of his murderers, but unless they repented, they will receive no benefit in eternity. Forgiveness is now. It's for us and between us.
Senior Pastor

This local forum on forgiveness clearly demonstrates a basic Scientology tenet that man is basically good.

L. Ron Hubbard stated, " In all times and in most places, mankind has looked up to and revered certain values. These are called the virtues. They have been attributed to wise men, holy men, saints and gods. They have made the difference between a barbarian and cultured person, the difference between chaos and a decent society. It doesn't absolutely require a heavenly mandate nor a tedious search through the thick tomes of the philosophers to discover what 'good' is. A self-revelation can occur on the subject. It can be worked out by almost any person. If one were to think over how he or she would like to be treated by others, one would evolve the human virtues…. Rather than concentrating on censure and punishment, you would prefer people were forgiving. Correct?"
Each faith tradition today challenges us to forgive in a world where there still exists enough fear, hatred and violence to keep Earth's population at war. The ability and practice to stop feeling angry or wanting to punish someone is a practical force for peace.
Bravo Father Vazken for highlighting the importance of forgiveness and reminding us of our true spiritual nature.
Volunteer Minister
Glendale Church of Scientology

Jesus Christ knows our greatest need and the common condition of our hearts. He wisely taught us to pray: "forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors."
This prayer reminds me that ultimately all wrongs are committed against God. If I have wronged even the least, I have wronged Him.
Absolute forgiveness comes from Him alone. Happiness in life and eternal security in heaven is dependant upon asking for and receiving His forgiveness. "How blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered!" (Psalm 32:1) Of Jesus Christ, the Scriptures assure me that "everyone who believes in Him receives forgiveness of sins." (Acts 10:43)
This prayer also reminds me that we all sin, and we are all sinned against by others. Giving and receiving forgiveness is essential for healthy living in a fallen world. Bitterness, anger and malice left unresolved cause nothing but trouble and defilement of the good things God gives me.
Exercising forgiveness keeps me from foolish and dangerous behavior, and it keeps me from provoking others to the same. Forgiveness shapes my character to be more like Him Who loved me and gave Himself up for me.

Valley Baptist Church

By way of introduction to the topic, the forum on forgiveness took place on July 7, 2007- or 7/7/7- to bring to attention Jesus' command to forgive, "not seven times but seven times seventy-seven times." [For the Bible literalists, the forgiveness equation does not refer to forgiving 539 (7x77) times, but to unlimited forgiveness.]

Our organization, In His Shoes Ministries, has actively been engaged in drawing attention and working for peace in Darfur. When we are confronted with violence on the scale of genocide, our first inclination is to move in with bigger and better weapons. Yet, Jesus speaks of something more powerful when he speaks love and forgiveness. In fact, I know from history that that same message has been responsible for survival, resurrections and growth.
Since we know hatred begets hatred and violence will only give us more violence, we seek sensible solutions to finding peace. Our intention, then, at the conference, was to tap into the power of love and forgiveness as tools to bring about peace, both locally and globally.
Armenian Church
In His Shoes Ministries

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Virtual Worship: Is it Real?

Published June 9, 2007


Virtual Worship: Is it Real?


In a new online world called Second Life, users can participate in their own virtual universe — everything from seeing a favorite rock band to buying and selling land.

Religious communities have also grown in Second Life. That is, participants who create virtual identities in Second Life take part in the cyber practice of religion, complete with other identities, rituals and practices. There are virtual synagogues, virtual mosques — you name it.

For many, Second Life is a pivotal chance to practice their faith while creating a diversity among worshipers that might not be seen in real life. But some say that though the site promotes communication with others, it doesn't necessarily promote communication with God.

What do you think?


In 1977, I went to Armenia — then a Soviet Republic — to continue my graduate studies. Just out of college, my worldview was shaped by the textbooks that spoke of principles and ideas that inspired a young seminarian's dream.

Soon after I began adjusting to life in the Soviet Union, it became apparent that it was very different from the classless society Marx outlined in his manifesto. We'd sit at study halls, and even in coffee shops, discussing what went wrong. Was it a flaw in the theory? Or was it the human nature variable that caused the problems?

Later, when I became a priest and saw the workings of the church from the inside, I remembered those earlier conversations. Where does the message of Christ fit within the church? Is it only natural that the church would evolve the way it has, given the set of variables of divine message, human frailty and time?

In this sense, the idea of playing, and therefore evolving, in a virtual environment gives another dimension to the study of religion that we might not have otherwise. In other words, we can tweak the variables to influence the outcome. I find simulations such as Second Life exciting for this reason. We might find that problems are intrinsic to the religious systems they evolve in, or we may find that it is possible to have a religion that is consumed with and by love. In either case, a virtual church gives us yet another opportunity to think about our actions and how important our sense of responsibility is to the world.

Armenian Church
In His Shoes Mission

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Examining the UFO Question

Published June 2, 2007


Examining the UFO Question


City officials in Roswell, N.M., want to establish a UFO-themed amusement park, given the area's history — some believe a UFO crashed in the area. Do you believe in UFOs and alien life?


Of course I do. What a fun thing to believe in.

Whether a person is religious or not, there is an element of logic that cannot be ignored. Namely, the universe is so large and so vast that it is logical to assume that we're not the only people in it. And, in the same vein, because the universe is so big and distances so far, we probably have not been visited by ET.

However, I enjoy this topic because it motivates us to wonder. We open our minds to possibilities. We can't regurgitate the standard lines because there are no standards. And so our thinking and expression are fresh.

Belief in alien existence gives us a chance to contemplate existence in general. Why are we here? Where are we going? What does this all mean?

And if you can't think outside the box, you have a lot of explaining to do because the Bible certainly has enough occurrences of life forms coming from heaven to sustain a belief in extraterrestrial existence.

So maybe the big question is, do they believe in us? If so, did that belief warrant a trip to our planet? And if not, then what?

Armenian Church
In His Shoes Mission

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Religious Illiteracy

Published May 26, 2007


Religious Illiteracy


Boston University's religion department head Stephen Prothero's new book, "Religious Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know -- And Doesn't," reports that though most Americans say they are religious, they aren't very religiously literate. That is, according to Prothero, Americans lack critical knowledge about their own religions and of others. Surveys report that only half of adult Americans can name any of the four Gospels. And most Americans can't name the first book of the Bible. They also find that most Americans think Jesus was born in Jerusalem. Do you find this lack of religious literacy in the communities you live and work in? And what do you think it means?


Religious illiteracy is only a small subset of the bigger problem of illiteracy in general. We operate with sound bites. The popularity of text messaging vouches for this. Internet resources and electronic libraries give us quick answers to rather large and complicated situations. We used to rely on "Cliff Notes" for books, now the "For Dummys" series allows us a bite size version of everything including religion. Even this column is a reflection of this crisis, by condensing issues into a few paragraphs, we appease an appetite for the knowledge, without the struggle to process it.

Religion has a cloud of mysticism circling it. For some, there is a comfort level in that mystery. For others, it is bothersome and their thirst for explanation needs to be quenched.

But reading books alone is not the answer, especially when it comes to a book such as the Bible or other scriptures which are deemed sacred by various traditions, e.g. the Bhagavad Gita or the "Diamond" Sutra, the Torah, or the Quoran.

I'm always wary as to who is teaching? Who is translating? Perspective can change things. Even in Orthodoxy, we're very cautious when it comes to Scripture. The Armenian word literally translates to the "Breath of God" because it is truly and wholly sacred. It is not something that should be rendered by personal interpretation, but has its place in the entirety of life. God, we believe, gave us something greater than written words, it is the life we each live and share, and in that life we enjoy the love that was manifest through Christ.

Fr. Vazken Movsesian

Armenian Church

In His Shoes Mission

The War & Memorial Day: A Message

Published May 26, 2007


The War & Memorial Day: A Message


With Memorial Day upon us, we are a nation at war. If you could give a Memorial Day message, what would it be?


For several months I’ve found it difficult to respond regularly to the questions of this column precisely because we are a nation at war. As a clergyman, it is hard to imagine anything else worth discussing while such a major insult to human life takes place.

This message is not about the events in Iraq alone, but more about the seeming inevitability of war in our lives. As intelligent and rational human beings, as people with advances in technology as well as the human spirit, the idea that we solve our problems by killing and annihilating one another seems absurd. It’s even ironic how we are convinced that the road to peace is paved with weaponry. When Jesus tells his apostles to put away their swords he gives us the ultimate pro-life axiom, “...for all who take the sword will perish by the sword.” (Matthew 26:52) Hatred begets hatred, violence begets violence and war..., well, it just goes to follow that it does not bring peace.

As clergy, especially as people of faith, we must work for systems that bring about peace even in the most violent settings. True Christianity is a call to look for reconciliation with one another, be it with our friends, within our families or on the world stage between nations.

On this Memorial Day, my thoughts and prayers go out to "all the brave soldiers who will never get older" (CSNY). May their memory and their lasting courage remind us that freedom comes with a cost. We are forever grateful for their sacrifice. At the same time, may we be moved by their deaths, to seek new means by which to pay off the cost of freedom. Through dialog, compassion, understanding and all the resources that we are endowed with, we can make a world where the absurdity of war will translate into its obsolescence.

Fr. Vazken Movsesian

Armenian Church

In His Shoes Mission

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Belief and the Defeat of Death

Published April 7, 2007


Belief and the Defeat of Death


Two Thousand years after Christ's death, people still debate the resurrection. Many remain steadfast that it was a historical event, but others, even Christians, believe that such a Biblical story can't be taken as historical fact, but rather as metaphorical. What do you think?


No question about it. Unequivocally, yes. The resurrection is a historical fact. I know that it's a bizarre concept especially for us in Glendale; we're surrounded by two Forest Lawns on both sides of the city. Not one body going in has ever come back out of those green hills. And as much as Grandview has dominated headlines, it hasn't been because of rejuvenated corpses. So what does this say about Jesus' Resurrection? Absolutely nothing.

You either accept it or you don't. One of the strongest arguments for the resurrection comes from my tradition. The Apostle Thaddeus came to Armenia proclaiming Jesus' resurrection. He was executed for his belief. The Apostle Bartholomew came five years later in 46A.D. They killed him as well for the same reason: claiming that Jesus had resurrected. People don't give up their lives for hoaxes. They don't submit themselves to flaying, flogging and other tortures just to maintain a lie; especially when they're alone and could easily change their story. In fact, all of the Apostles were martyred for their belief in the resurrection, except for John, who ended up in prison.

But for all the proofs and arguments there are (and there are many), I find they are not necessary. You either accept it or you don't. Jesus rose because good always wins out over evil. The resurrection happened because love is more powerful than hate, life is more enduring than death. This is the basis of our faith as Christians. It is built upon the victory found in the Resurrection. Happy Easter.

Armenian Church
In His Shoes Mission

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Is there a Genetic Link to Religion?

Published March 31, 2007 - Glendale News Press - Los Angeles Time


Is there a Genetic Link to Religion?


In a recent debate, Daniel Dennett, a Tufts University professor, argued that religions are like genes, the most successful ones survive not necessarily because their ideas are true, but because they have succeeded as the "fittest" religious arguments through the years, Since not all religions can be true, he suggested that other reasons must be at play in perpetuating them -- such as the idea that mankind may be genetically predisposed to being religious. What do you think of this notion? Could there be a genetic link to religion?


Religion is our way of explaining the human condition and the mysteries of life. Since the beginning of time humankind has struggled with the big questions: Who are we? Where did we come from? Where are we going? Religion has given answers to these questions and to much more. Certainly, along the way, as knowledge and thought have evolved, the parameters in which religion is expressed have changed. Religious systems do not exist in vacuums, and so they evolve.

For instance, a primitive man looking out at a field, sees lightning coming down and striking the earth. His only understanding of the storm is in the confines of his own knowledge base. He may assume that someone or something is trying to hurt him; in the same way that he kills an animal to eat or to make clothing. Later in history, as societies developed and justice systems became necessary, moral tags may have been placed on the same storm. Man saw the lightning as a punishment upon him and his possessions by some supernatural being. Today, knowledge takes away the wonder, and we accept the reality of weather systems that charge the air with negative and positive forces.

Yes, we are predisposed to religion. We do look for wonder and try to bring order out of chaos. In my own tradition, our history is filled with chaos, with barbarians that stormed through Armenia, raping, pillaging and seeking genocide. The notion of a suffering God, who is betrayed, tortured and crucified, parallels our existence. We find hope, and therefore the will to survive, in the resurrection of our Lord Jesus. To us, this was God intervening in our own history. It is the reason for us to believe in brighter tomorrows.

Armenian Church Youth Ministries
In His Shoes Mission

Saturday, March 3, 2007

First Freedom Project

Published March 3, 2007


First Freedom Project


The Department of Justice has reportedly started a "First Freedom Project," to focus on protecting religious freedoms. The effort includes a website, a public education program and task force that will review policies on religious freedom and cases involving religious freedoms. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales says the program seeks to deal with issues such as contradictions in the workplace, where a person may get away with saying something like a famous athlete is a God, but could be fired for saying "Jesus is Lord." What do you think?


Religious freedom is fundamental to the functioning of any society which encourages human expression. For me, a discussion of religious freedom cannot be made apart from a discussion of freedom of expression. Religion is merely an art form that explains what is unknown. Religion should be the "dot-connector," creating a system of understanding for the mystery that takes our breath away. Those expressions come in many forms, sometimes overtly invoking the name of a deity while at other times hiding under the guise of visual or audible art. Nonetheless, each needs to seek its purpose of giving definition to the collective experience of life.

I'm moved that Attorney General Gonzales has brought religious freedom to forum through this project because just this month the Armenian Church commemorated the life and work of General Vartan Mamigonian, an early defender of this sacred freedom. Quite unique for the times, in 451 A.D., Mamigonian was the first defender of the freedom of conscience in the Christian world. His story has stirred interest with scholars and historians in their study of Western civilization. Mamigonian stood against a flow of political, economic and military power in defense of his (and his people's) right to practice the Christian faith.

Today, fortunately, we are guaranteed these freedoms as basic rights. Because we don’t have to fight for them, we run the risk of taking them for granted. Therefore, I hope the First Freedom Project becomes an opportunity to engage in dialog about a freedom so essential for our survival as individuals and as a society.

Armenian Church Youth Ministries
In His Shoes Mission

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Government vs. Parents

Government vs. Parents


Several Christian leaders from groups such as the Florida Catholic Conference and the family-advocacy group the Eagle Forum are reportedly concerned about a Florida bill that would require 11- and 12-year-old girls to be vaccinated against sexually transmitted diseases. They argue that the bill promotes promiscuity. The bill's proponents, which include Democrat and Republican Florida lawmakers, say the bill could be a lifesaver because the vaccine — called Gardasil — blocks four types of the sexually transmitted human papillomavirus, which causes genital warts and a large percentage of cervical cancer cases. What do you think of the bill?


Cancer — any kind — is an ugly disease. Any clergyman who has spent any time holding the hand of a dying patient and counseling the wounded family has undoubtedly said a prayer to find a cure for such a dreaded disease.

Yes, even though cancer therapy has come a long way, no one will argue that the occurrence of cancer continues to devastate individuals and their families.

If a vaccine can prevent cancer, we need to be thankful that we are one step closer to eradicating a horrible disease, especially its cervical variety. I do not buy the argument that this will promote promiscuity among teens. If it does, then are we to assume the opposite it true? That is, will the unavailability of the vaccine lead to less promiscuity among youth?

In a world where children are bombarded with sexual content 24/7, the threat of casual and dangerous sex is unavoidable. It is all around us. Sex sells and it is being used to market everything to everyone, including our children. The real challenge for clergy and people of faith is to engage parents in a dialogue with their children about sex and sexual expressions.

This dialogue is not the responsibility of government, but one which falls in the sacred category of parenting.

Armenian Church Youth Ministries
In His Shoes Mission